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Brittany & Damas

July 6, 2024

Like many other success stories on cMatch, there is so much that could be said. God has been so good to my husband and I and has led every step of the way. We met on cMatch at the end of May of 2023 and were just married last month. Wow! Talk about fast!

My husband, Damascene, is from Rwanda, but was living in Zambia at the time we met. I am from the USA. Damascene, through much prayer, knew since 2006 that he would marry an American. He joined cMatch in 2020 believing that the Lord would direct him to his future wife.

I, on the other hand, was very skeptical about joining any dating site (Christian or not), but through much prayer and council, I decided to join cMatch. When Damas first messaged me, I was very nervous about talking to foreigners. However, after reading his testimony, I was a little more at ease with the idea.

Through the "getting to know you stage", there were so many clear answers to prayer for both of us. God's direction was so clear in every new step and decision. I was able to visit Damas in Zambia in December of 2023 and it was then that we decided that we wanted to get married.

I returned to the U.S. and Damas moved back to Rwanda shortly after my return to the States. Between the months of February and June wedding preparations began. It was not easy being so far apart from one another, and there were so many questions, concerns, and sometimes doubts in my mind of how everything would work. Damas (so full of faith) constantly reminded me that God will make a way. That has been the theme of our relationship.

We are now happily married and are excited to see how God is going to continue to guide us and use our relationship. Thank you so much cMatch for your ministry! If you are on cMatch and still searching, don't give up! God has a special plan for you! Praise God!!!

— Brittany